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No, almost every model has different shaped brake pads. The friction material on the pads is different because almost every car has different requirements and performance.
Buying quality brake pads is like buying a prescription drug. When you buy prescription drugs, you are not only paying for the cost of manufacturing, packaging and selling the pills. Most of what you pay for is research and development. The same is true for brake pads.
Brake pads require a lot of testing and engineering because they are made for a specific vehicle. A quality brake pad manufacturer will spend a lot of time and money developing brake pad applications for your vehicle. This includes simulation and on-board testing. This type of testing is personnel and equipment intensive.
Another cost of brake pad manufacturing is quality control. Reputable manufacturers will take random samples from the production line and perform destructive testing. This can cost money and time, and can mean that a batch of pads may be rejected.
Front Brake Pads
Brake pads are one of the few components on a vehicle that cannot be replicated by physical measurement and simple testing.
Automakers don't say to replacement brake pads manufacturers, "Here's the recipe for our 2006 model year friction material." No, the manufacturer of replacement brake pads will have to work it out for themselves, and that's neither easy nor cheap.
But, and this is good news, as vehicles get older, the likelihood of replacing auto brake pads gets better because manufacturers will have more data in the form of real-world mileage.
This is not the case with rear brake pads, and some cheap brake pad manufacturers have been playing the odds by weighing profits against brake performance. Their pads may perform well under normal operating conditions such as city and highway driving, but if the pads encounter conditions such as emergency stops or steep hills, they may fail or stop for longer distances than normal. This is because they may not have spent the money on testing or buying quality raw materials. They are betting that you may not experience extreme conditions. Do you really want to "call their bluff" when you have to go "all-in" during a panic stop?
In the United States, there are no federally mandated laws governing the performance of brake pad replacements. The choice to safely replace brake pads is the responsibility of the store and the driver.
Brake pads A typical disc brake pad box has four brake pads (two pads per side of the car). Some manufacturers will include additional hardware to ensure that the strike pads reach their full potential. These items include anti-vibration clips, shims for noise reduction, and wear sensors. In addition, some brake pad manufacturers include special lubricants to reduce the chances of customers returning to meet noise requirements.
Some lower quality brake pad manufacturers do not include these items in the box so that they can maximize their profits and be the lowest priced product on the store shelf.
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